The ads that nailed it this Olympics 

This year, we’re consuming the Olympics a little differently to how we have in the past. Instead of having constant rolling coverage on the TV during the day, Aussies are tuning in on BVOD, and streaming gold medal replay snippets first thing in the morning, after the fact.  

Being on the opposite side of the world to all the action has transformed the Olympics into more of an ‘efficient’ consumption experience, where we know who has won gold before we even watch the race. However, of course, this takes away the excitement and anticipation, and we’re likely watching for shorter, sharper periods (except for those handful of diehards who are waking up at 3AM to watch live).  

Of course, advertisers knew that viewership would look different this year – and so brands who were lucky enough to nab prime spots on Nine’s coverage across linear TV and BVOD, knew they had to capture attention, and capture it fast.  

They had to get creative and stand out from the crowd to form memory structures, given the likelihood that Aussies may not see their ads as often as they would, if the Olympics were being hosted in a slightly more desirable time zone. 

So far, I’ve been impressed with the ads I have seen, with three key brands standing out from the crowd. Allianz has done a fantastic job at capturing the way sport unites all Aussies, and gives us a reason to celebrate together, as mates.  

Of course, I have to mention our client, REA Group. We launched their new campaign, Keep Moving, during the Olympics coverage, the perfect time to capture the minds and hearts of Aussies as we enter real estate’s busiest season. The nostalgic, local feel to the creative, with its flying red couch, is a great way to depict the extremely relatable journey of being on the house hunt. Our friends at 72&Sunny did an excellent job of bringing the concept to life – so much so that I now find myself constantly humming the Euroglider’s ‘Heaven’ on a daily basis. 

Another brand that has stood out from the crowd is AAMI, who have gone for a comical, cute angle, by showing the athletes of tomorrow (AKA the kids of Australia), and all that can (and will undoubtedly) go wrong in their training to be the next best thing. A great way to tie insurance into the Olympics, whilst keeping it lighthearted and memorable.  

Despite the time difference, according to the 9Network, there are still plenty of Aussies tuning in to catch all the action, with a national Total TV reach of 8.9 million on Monday, as viewers watched sisters Noemie and Jess Fox battle it out in the kayak cross. And with our medal tally remaining strong as we enter the second week of the games, I’m sure there will continue to be many eyeballs on ads, no matter when or how Aussies are watching.  


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