The Connected Indepedent

This morning, ARN hosted their first relaxed Indie agency event, "The Connected Independent," at their brand new North Sydney HQ.

The first session focused on dispelling common misconceptions and shedding light on the true potential of podcasts. Ella Dalton commented, "it was noted that using talent in content leads to a 52% uplift in memory encoding. This really underscores the power of talent and its ability to create memorable, impactful content in the podcast space."

Next, we heard from ARN CEO Ciaran Davis, who provided insights into the future direction of the audio space and ARN's strategy. Ngita Bowers noted, "For me, the key takeaway is that radio is at a crossroads, similar to where TV was from a metric standpoint when BVOD came in. Additionally, ARN CEO Ciaran Davis doesn't necessarily consider NOVA Entertainment, Southern Cross Austereo, and others as their main competitors. He emphasized that the industry needs to consolidate to compete against giants like Google and Spotify, and he also pushed for government regulation."

Later, we heard from a panel featuring our very own Zoe Amos, who tackled the question, "Return on media investment is critical. But what marketers and agencies see as value can differ. What does value look like to you?" Check out her video above to hear her insightful response.


Meta Measurement Workshop


Cannes in Cairns