Empowering Female Leaders

A Recap of the Female Leaders of Tomorrow Mentoring Programme

In an time where the call for gender equality and female empowerment is louder than ever, initiatives that enable the growth and development of women in leadership roles are necessary. Identifying this, the Independent Media Agency Association (IMAA) launched the Female Leaders of Tomorrow (FLOT) program, an industry first, aimed at supporting emerging female leaders within the independent media industry.

I was lucky enough to have been selected as one of 8 mentees in Sydney in the inaugural cohort, with our learnings and insights hopefully guiding the way for the program to further develop and improve over years to come.

The aim of the program was simple yet powerful: to establish a relationship between industry leaders (mentors) and aspiring female professionals (mentees). Through these partnerships, we were given the opportunity to share experiences, and work together towards professional growth.

Throughout the program, as a mentee, we were given a range of opportunities for growth and development. From one-on-one mentorship sessions with our dedicated mentor to networking events with the other mentees.

As we wrap up as the first cohort of the FLOT program, the impact of this initiative has been great. It has helped me with the confidence to lead my team and assisted with empowerment across many aspects of my role.  I hope the program sticks around for many years to come, continuing to empower the future female leaders of our industry.


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